「 World Way」系列机型是当时世界最小最轻的随身听,银色和蓝色搭配的前面板独特按键设计,在当时非常具有前卫的科技感,可以进行快进和倒退的操作。
新品发行价:2万9800日元/机身尺寸:75×08×28毫米/重量:262克/电源:5号电池 ×2节/续航时间:13小时(使用碱性电池)
金属带 遥控器 播放
1982 National RQ-SJ1 with a sense of technology body design Panasonic Walkman
“World Way” series models were the smallest and lightest walkmans in the world at that time. The silver and blue matching front panel unique button design was very avant-garde technology at the time, allowing fast forward and reverse operations.
New product release price: 29,800 yen / body size: 75 × 08 × 28 mm / weight: 262 grams / power supply: No. 5 battery × 2 batteries / battery life: 13 hours (using alkaline batteries)
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