内置了立体声麦克风的第二代「 One More」录音机型,可方便进行实时录音。和第一代 OneMore一样配备了Line输出,可以作为音源独立输出给其它设备。

1982 National RQ-J6 recording model with built-in stereo microphone Panasonic Walkman
The second-generation “One More” recording model with a built-in stereo microphone can facilitate real-time recording. Like the first generation OneMore, it is equipped with Line output, which can be independently output to other devices as a sound source.
New product release price: 35,000 yen / body size: 98.5 × 158 × 38 mm / weight: 600 grams / power supply No. 5 battery × 4 batteries / battery life: 6 hours (using alkaline batteries)
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