
作为磁带随身听三强之一的松下,一直以来都是索尼和爱华最强大的竞争对手。在随身听专属名称方面松下的策略是独特的,「One More」、「Way」、「GO」以及「Jump」等名称相对有些繁杂,从「Way」到「Jump」的定位似乎也没有太大差异,1989年「S系列 登场后专属名称被取消了,因此与 Walkman/CassetteBoy相比,松下的随身听稍显下风。但超薄、省电和漂亮的外观一直以来是松下的优势,直到磁带发展末期,松下依然是坚持到最后保持完善产品阵容的品牌。

History of Panasonic Walkman
As one of the top three tape Walkmans, Panasonic has always been the most powerful competitor of Sony and Aiwa. Panasonic ’s strategy for unique names for the Walkman is unique. The names of “One More”, “Way”, “GO” and “Jump” are relatively complicated, and the positioning from “Way” to “Jump” does not seem to be much. The difference, in 1989, “The exclusive name was cancelled after the debut of the S series, so compared with the Walkman / CassetteBoy, the Panasonic Walkman is slightly weaker. But the ultra-thin, power-saving and beautiful appearance have always been Panasonic ’s advantages until the tape At the end of its development, Panasonic is still a brand that insists on maintaining a complete product lineup until the end.
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