当时,井深大会长为了出差听音乐携带了TC-D5和大型耳机。 但仅仅为了方便听音乐,TC-D5显得体积太大了, 而且不必要的功能太多,放入电池后重量竟然达到了1.7公斤。 所以当时就希望能有一台配备轻巧耳机的小型化机器。 于是井深大会长让研发团队制作了实验机,这就是 Walkman的原型。
盛田昭夫社长从这台实验机上看到了商机。 然而不能录音也不带扬声器的播放机在当时市场上是没有的, 所以在公司内部对于产品的质疑声也越来越高。 因此盛田昭夫说出了开头的台词,「随身携带音乐」的文化也由此诞生了。

At that time, the President of ibuka university brought tc-d5 and large headphones for a business trip to listen to music. But just for the convenience of listening to music, the tc-d5 is too big and has too many unnecessary functions. It weighs up to 1.7kg when put into the battery. So I wanted a small machine with light headphones. So ibuka asked his team to build a prototype of the Walkman.
Morita saw a business opportunity in the experimental plane. However, players that could not record and had no speakers were not available in the market at the time, so there was growing skepticism about the product within the company. So morita uttered the opening lines, and a culture of “carrying music with you” was born.
“If I can’t sell 30,000 units, I will resign as President.”
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