「我的第一个索尼」系列是专为儿童开发的音频娱乐产品,最早于 1987年开始在美国推出,从1988年进入日本市场。第一款机器是 WM-3000(照片右下),在背面采用了能看见内部结构的透明窗 口,具有最大音量限制功能可以保护孩子的听力。之后1993年发售 的WM-3500(照片右上)等产品也深受孩子们的喜爱。
My First Sony Walkman makes children happy
The “My First Sony” series is an audio entertainment product specially developed for children. It was first launched in the United States in 1987 and entered the Japanese market in 1988. The first machine is the WM-3000 (bottom right of the photo), with a transparent window on the back that can see the internal structure, with a maximum volume limit function to protect the hearing of children. Afterwards, the WM-3500 (top right photo) and other products released in 1993 were also popular with children.
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