无线 Walkman系列的最终进化型号。采用具有连接线的一体式耳机接收器,外观和蓝牙耳机很相似,配备了硬币型的迷你遥控器。主机和接收 机之间的音乐数据的通信虽然是230MHz的VHF波段,但是利用了圆偏 振技术可以不受电视广播信号的影响,是领先于时代技术的机型。
新品发行价:2万3500日元/机身尺 寸:77.7×109.1×23.3毫米/重量: 165克/电源口香糖电池或5号电池 ×1节/续航时间8小时(使用口香 糖充电电池)
金属带 播放 播放自动翻转快速选曲充电电池重低音 DOLBY遥控器
1999 sony wm-we01 The all-wireless Walkman challenging the limits of technology
The final evolution of the wireless Walkman series. It uses an integrated headphone receiver with a connection cable, which looks very similar to a Bluetooth headset, and is equipped with a coin-shaped mini remote control. Although the communication of music data between the host and the receiver is in the 230MHz VHF band, it utilizes circular polarization technology and is not affected by TV broadcast signals.
New product release price: 23,500 yen / body size: 77.7 × 109.1 × 23.3 mm / weight: 165 g / power gum battery or No. 5 battery × 1 battery / battery life 8 hours (using gum rechargeable battery)
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