功能最简单的单向播放随身听,是HS-PS100的后继机,但是输出功率从20mW+20mW稍微下降到了15mW+ ,只具备了最基础的播放功能,没有配备音效。
新品发行价:开放1机身尺寸:116.5×90.6×32毫米/重量:183克/电源5号电池 ×2节/续航时间:14小时(使用碱性电池)
1999 aiwa hS-PS120 successor to the entry-level PS100
The simplest one-way playback player is the successor of the HS-PS100, but the output power is slightly reduced from 20mW + 20mW to 15mW +. It only has the most basic playback function and is not equipped with sound effects.
New product release price: Open 1 Body size: 116.5 × 90.6 × 32 mm / weight: 183 g / power supply No. 5 battery × 2 batteries / battery life: 14 hours (using alkaline batteries)
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