采用淡蓝色的香水瓶设计风格,配有和机身颜色搭配的同色的耳机。具备自动翻转、 SUPER BASS音效、磁带类型选择器等功能。

金属带 播放 播放 自动翻转 重低音
1999 aiwa hs-ps007 basic single player for perfume bottle style
It adopts a light blue perfume bottle design style and is equipped with headphones of the same color matching the body color. With automatic flip, SUPER BASS sound effects, tape type selector and other functions.
New product release price: 5800 yen / body size: 92.5 × 121. × 34.2 mm / weight: 216 grams / power supply: No. 5 battery × 2 batteries / battery life: 30 hours (using alkaline batteries)
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