随着「豆子」系列的成功,休闲风格越来越受到欢迎。WM-MV1就是为了适应年轻人的生活方式推出的休闲机型,在之前的休闲机型中大多是女性喜爱的可爱风格,但MV1采用了男性风格的金属质感外壳,将目标用户定位为 潮流男性。配备了滑动锁定机制和垂直式耳机,该机型没 有附带遥控器,只具备了最基础的播放功能。
新品发行价:9800日元/机身尺寸:114.6×87.4×33毫米/重量:245 克/电源:5号电池×2节/续航时间:22小时(使用碱性电池)
金属带 自动翻转 重低音
1997 sony wm-mv1 stylish casual model suitable for male users
With the success of the “Bean” series, casual styles are becoming more and more popular. WM-MV1 is a casual model launched to adapt to the lifestyle of young people. Most of the previous casual models are cute styles loved by women, but MV1 uses a male-style metal texture shell to target users as trendy men . Equipped with a sliding lock mechanism and vertical headphones, this model does not come with a remote control, and only has the most basic playback function.
New product release price: 9800 yen / body size: 114.6 × 87.4 × 33 mm / weight: 245 g / power supply: 5th battery × 2 batteries / battery life: 22 hours (using alkaline batteries)
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