WM-FX822的进化版,机身按钮的形状从圆形变成方形,对应的功能也发生了变化。搭载了2段「MEGABASS」和「 GROOVE」重低音。搜曲速度从14倍增加到15倍,电池续航时间从21小时增加到40小时。
新品发行价:2万2000日元/机身尺寸 78.6×108.6×23.4毫米/重量:170克/ 电源:口香糖电池或5号电池×1节/续航时间:9小时(使用口香糖充电电池)
金属带 自动翻转 快速选曲 跳过 充电电池
1996 sony wm-FX833 radio type with large screen and heavy bass
In the evolved version of WM-FX822, the shape of the body buttons has changed from round to square, and the corresponding functions have also changed. Equipped with 2 subwoofers “MEGABASS” and “GROOVE”. Search speed increased from 14 times to 15 times, battery life increased from 21 hours to 40 hours.
New product release price: 22,000 yen / body size 78.6 × 108.6 × 23.4 mm / weight: 170 g / power supply: gum battery or No. 5 battery × 1 battery / battery life: 9 hours (using gum rechargeable battery)
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