多功能学习型 Walkman,拥有AB区间重复等多种功能。配备了方便会话学习的操作面板,可显 TO REVERSE 示复读功能、磁带计数器、列表提示等。可外接可拆卸的5号电池盒,与充电电池并用可以续航长达17.5小时,也搭载了DBB音效和杜比B
新品发行价:3万2000日元/机身尺寸:154.2×19.5×95.4毫米/重量:250克/电源:口香糖电池或5号电池×2节/续 航时间:3.5小时(使用口香糖充电电池)
自动翻 转充电电池 重低音 DOLBY遥控器 金属带
SONY wm-ex90 has rich English conversation learning functions
Multifunctional learning Walkman, with AB interval repetition and other functions. Equipped with convenient session learning operation panel, can show TO REVERSE repeat reading function, tape counter, list prompt, etc. The removable no.5 battery pack, which can be connected to a rechargeable battery, can last up to 17.5 hours. It also features DBB sound and dolby B
New product launch price: ¥32,000 / body size: 154.2×19.5×95.4 mm/weight: 250g/power supply: gum battery or no.5 battery ×2 / continuation time: 3.5 hours (using a gum rechargeable battery)
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