备了方便易操作的全功能遥控器,其它功能与EX60相同,两款型号都采用了耳机与遥控器分体的设计,采用 索尼专用的迷你耳机插孔。
新品发行价:1万9500日元/机身尺寸:108.8×76.5×22.9毫米/重量:175克/电源:口香糖电池或5号电池 1节/续航时间:3.5小时(使用口香糖充电电池)
金属带 播放 自动翻转 充电电池
重低音 遥控器
1991 SONY wm-ex70 single player with full function remote control
A fully functional remote control is available for easy operation. Other functions are the same as the EX60. Both models are designed to separate the headset from the remote control and use SONY’s special mini headphone jack.
New product launch price: 19,500 yen/body size: 108.8×76.5×22.9 mm/weight: 175g/power supply: gum battery or no.5 battery 1 piece/battery life: 3.5 hours (using a gum rechargeable battery)
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