配有世界通用数字式收音调谐器的录音机型,播放时支持自动翻转功能,采用 BBE+DSL+HX磁头的高音质组合配置,附带有线立体声麦克风。
新品发行价:3万3000日元/机身尺寸:79.5×116.8×29.4毫米/重量270克/电源口 香糖铅酸电池或7号电池×2节/续航时间:2小时(使用口香糖铅酸电池15分钟充电时)
金属带 播放 FM/AM播放 自动翻转
录音重低音 DOLBY
1991 AIWA HS-J55 world digital tuner recording model
A recording model equipped with a universal digital radio tuner. It supports automatic flip function during playback. It adopts a high-quality combination configuration of BBE + DSL + HX heads, and comes with a wired stereo microphone.
New product release price: 33,000 yen / body size: 79.5 × 116.8 × 29.4 mm / weight 270 g / power gum lead-acid battery or No. 7 battery × 2 batteries / battery life: 2 hours (using gum lead-acid battery 15 When charging in minutes)
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