WM-701S是为 Walkman纪念发行10周年而推出的,限量生产了200台,在WM-701C的表面进行了镀银工艺,功能方面和701C相同,是 Walkman玩家的终极收藏品。WM-701T是和珠宝品牌 TIFFANY蒂芙尼联合推出的,仅生产了250台。
金属带 播放 专用 播放自动翻转充电电池重低音 遥控器
1989 SONY wm-701s wm-701t SONY Walkman 10th anniversary limited edition
The wm-701s was launched to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Walkman’s release, with limited production of 200 units. The wm-701c was plated with silver on its surface, the same function as the 701C, making it the ultimate Walkman collector’s item. The wm-701t was launched in collaboration with TIFFANY & co, a jewellery brand, and only 250 units were produced.
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