索 尼从1983年左右开始研究随身听的无线化,但 实际上其它 厂商早已发布了FM无线接收的无线机型。但是索 尼认为FM信号的音质以及实际 传播距离不够理想,所以一直没 有用于商品化。如果是使用普通FM电波,虽然和 WIRELESSFM无线广播一样能够进行立体声传输,但由于电波范围的限制无法达到理想的距离。索尼最终凭借具有短波长高频率的FM2电波的方式解决了此问题。发射器使用了两个频率,分别发送左和右的两个单独信号,实现了1.5米的传输距离。在使用了高音质的30~15000Hz无线频率下,与普通有线随身听相比也毫不逊色,WM-505的发布立刻成为了当时最热门的机型。
新品发行价:3万2000日元/机身尺寸:76.2109.2×25.8毫米/重量:210克/电 源:口香糖电池或5号电池×1 节/续航时间:3.5小 时(使用口香糖充电电 池)
SONY wm-505 was the first wireless Walkman model, the Walkman
SONY began to study the wireless development of the walkman around 1983, but other manufacturers have already released wireless models for FM wireless reception. However, SONY believes that the sound quality and actual transmission distance of FM signal are not ideal, so it has not been used for commercialization. If you use ordinary FM radio waves, although the same as WIRELESSFM radio can carry out stereo transmission, but due to the limitation of the radio range can not reach the ideal distance. SONY eventually solved the problem by using short, long, and high frequencies called FM2. The transmitter USES two frequencies to send two separate signals from the left and the right, achieving a transmission distance of 1.5 meters. The launch of the wm-505 immediately became the most popular model at the time, as the wireless frequency of 30~15000Hz was as high as that of the ordinary wired walkman.
New product launch price: 32,000 yen/body size: 76.2109.2×25.8 mm/weight: 210 g/battery: gum battery or no.5 battery ×1 / battery life: 3.5 hours (using the gum charging battery)
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