内置超薄型扬声器的机型,输出功率为250mW,内置两波段收 音调谐器,也具有自动翻转功能。配备了磁带选择器和杜比降噪B功能,机身有四种颜色。
金属带 播放自动翻转FM AM DOLBY
1986 SONY wm-f57 has a built-in, outside-ready, ultrathin speaker
The model has a built-in ultra-thin speaker with a power output of 250mW and a built-in two-band receiver tuner. It also has an automatic rollover function. Equipped with a tape selector and dolby noise reduction B, the body comes in four colors.
New product launch price: 25,000 yen/body size: 14×85.5×36.4 mm/weight: 300 g/power: no.5 battery ×2 / battery life: 8 hours (alkaline battery)
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