小型化专业播放器里有WM-DC2,但DC2只是播放专用机型。这个D3则是可录音机型,相当于D6C的廉价版。可以使用杜比降噪B进行录制,但是不支持金属磁带录制。磁头和DC2一样采用了非晶质磁头,驱动系统也是主动轮直驱DD,抖晃率为0.08%。录音的时候 ,可通过5级LED峰值电平进行监测。
新品发行价:3万9000日元/机身尺寸:125.4×82.3×37.3毫米/重量:370克 电源:5号电池×2节/续航时间7小时(使用碱性电池)

SONY wm-d3 compact professional player and recorder Walkman
There is a wm-dc2 in the miniaturized professional player, but the DC2 only plays a dedicated model. This D3 is a recording machine, a cheaper version of the D6C. You can record using dolby noise reduction B, but metal tape recording is not supported. Like DC2, the magnetic head adopts amorphous magnetic head, and the driving system is DD driven by active wheel, with a shaking rate of 0.08%. When recording, the peak level of level 5 LED can be monitored.
New product launch price: 39,000 yen/body size: 125.4×82.3×37.3 mm/weight: 370g power supply: no. 5 battery ×2 / battery life: 7 hours (alkaline battery)
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