具有自动翻转功能且重量只有233克的 WALKman 机型,搭配有和主机颜色相对应的耳机,被称为兔子系列。搭载了杜比降噪B,支持金属磁带,和收音卡配件,2万1000日元的售价非常具有吸引力。
1985 SONY wm-55 affordable price and a wealth of features Walkman
The 233-gram WALKman, which has an auto-flip function and is paired with headsets that match the color of the main body, is called the rabbit line. Equipped with dolby noise reduction B, metal tape support, and radio card accessories, the price is very attractive at 21, 000 yen.
New product launch price: ¥21,000 / body size: 111.3×88.6×29.4 mm/weight: 370g/power supply: no. 5 battery ×2 / battery life: 11 hours (using alkaline battery)
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