适合专业播放用的 Walkman,延续了WM-DD的外形设计。具 有杜比降噪B/C功能,从WM-D6继承的配置非常多,如非晶质 合金磁头,石英锁主动轮伺服系统DD,抗震性能也非常优秀, 抖晃率达到0.07%。配备了外接线路输出功能,可以作为音源输 出给其它专业设备。
新品发行价:3万5000日元/机身尺寸:79×109×29毫米/重量:305克/电 源:5号电池×2节/续航时间:7小时(使用碱性电池)

1984 SONY wm-dc2 supports professional Walkman with metal band
Suitable for professional playback of Walkman, the continuation of wm-dd shape design. With dolby noise reduction B/C function, there are many configurations inherited from wm-d6, such as amorphous alloy magnetic head, quartz lock active wheel servo system DD, excellent seismic performance, shaking rate up to 0.07%. Equipped with external line output function, can be used as a sound source to other professional equipment.
New product launch price: 35,000 yen/body size: 79×109×29 mm/weight: 305 g/power: no. 5 battery ×2 / battery life: 7 hours (using alkaline battery)
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