基本上沿袭了WM-D6的规格并新加入了 杜比降噪C,另外磁头采用失真性更低,耐磨性更好的非晶质磁头,具有高饱和磁通密度。驱动系统和WM-D6一样采用石英锁主动轮伺服系统DD,实现了0.04%的抖晃率。作为可以代替录音卡座使用的D6C,是一款长期畅销的产品,一直生产到2002年才结束。
新品发行价:6万4000日元/机身尺寸:181×40×95毫米/重量640克/电源5号电池×4节/ 续航时间5小时(使用碱性电池)

1984 SONY wm-d6c can be carried with a mini professional card landline Walkman
Basically follows the wm-d6 specification and adds dolby noise reduction C. In addition, the magnetic head adopts the amorphous magnetic head with lower inaccuracy and better wear resistance, and has high saturation flux density. The driving system adopts the quartz lock driving wheel servo system DD as wm-d6, achieving a shaking rate of 0.04%. The D6C, which can be used as a substitute for recording cassette deck, was a long-term best-selling product and was produced until 2002.
New product launch price: 64,000 yen/body size: 181×40×95 mm/weight: 640g/power no. 5 battery ×4 / battery life: 5 hours (alkaline battery)
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