1982 AIWA hs-P2X配备了收音式耳机的HS-P2系列 爱华随身听


在HS-P2单放机型上,配备了收音「 Skyplay」耳机,具有独立收音功能,也可以用做有线的耳机,其它功能配置与HS-P2相同。该机型在世界范围内红极一时,使「 CassetteBoy」系列一举成名。支持杜比降噪和金属磁带播放。

新品发行价:2万9800日元/机身尺寸:109×80×28.8毫米/  重量:320克/电源:5号电池×2节/续航时间:5.5小时(使用碱性电池)

金属带 播放  播放自动翻转 FMAM DOLBY  B

1982 AIWA hs-P2X HS-P2 series equipped with radio headphones

On the HS-P2 single-player model, it is equipped with a radio “Skyplay” headset, which has an independent radio function, and can also be used as a wired headset. Other functions are the same as HS-P2. This model is very popular in the world, making the “CassetteBoy” series famous. Support Dolby noise reduction and metal tape playback.

New product release price: 29,800 yen / body size: 109 × 80 × 28.8 mm / weight: 320 g / power supply: No. 5 battery × 2 batteries / battery life: 5.5 hours (using alkaline batteries)

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