1981 National RS-J3首款具有Line音频输出的随身听 松下随身听


在音量相同情况下,line out口输出声音比耳机口小一些,但是声音调大后line out声场要更大更立体一些。少见的只在台机上出现的同轴口用到了这台walkman上。

磁带立体声播放随身听这个概念和竞争对手一样,不过专属系列名称「 One More」所表示的含义是,除了连接立体声耳机输出以外,还可以同时具备Line音频输出,这在当时是非常新颖的设计。机身还内置了麦克风,这和第一代 Walkman-一样,用麦克风采集环境声音输出到从耳机,从而方便带着耳机与人交谈。

新品发行价:2万9800日元/机身尺寸:158×98.5×  38毫米/重量580克/电源:5号电池×4节/续航时  间5.5小时(使用碱性电池)

National RS-J3

1981 National RS-J3’s first portable device with Line audio output

The concept of tape stereo playback Walkman is the same as that of competitors, but the exclusive series name “One More” means that in addition to connecting stereo headphone output, it can also have Line audio output, which was a very new design at the time. The body also has a built-in microphone, which is the same as the first-generation Walkman-, which uses the microphone to collect ambient sound and output it to the slave headset, which is convenient for talking with people with the headset.

New product release price: 29,800 yen / body size: 158 × 98.5 × 38 mm / weight 580 g / power supply: No. 5 battery × 4 batteries / battery life 5.5 hours (using alkaline batteries)

1981 National RS-J3
1981 National RS-J3
1981 National RS-J3
1981 National RS-J3
1981 National RS-J3
1981 National RS-J3
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