panasonic SHOCK WAVE 配备震动耳机的冲击波系列 rq-sw77

在日本90年代后期,MD已经流行,磁带类便携式播放器已经不是市场的主流。但是在美国运动机甲风格的流行下,松下的 SHOCK WAVE(冲击波)再次被引入日本,该系列最具特色的是VMSS震动型耳机。

panasonic SHOCK WAVE Shockwave series with vibration headphones rq-sw77

In the late 1990s in Japan, MD has become popular, and portable tape players are no longer the mainstream in the market. However, under the popularity of American sports mecha styles, Panasonic’s SHOCK WAVE (shock wave) was once again introduced to Japan, the most distinctive feature of this series is the VMSS vibration type headphones.



作为磁带随身听三强之一的松下,一直以来都是索尼和爱华最强大的竞争对手。在随身听专属名称方面松下的策略是独特的,「One More」、「Way」、「GO」以及「Jump」等名称相对有些繁杂,从「Way」到「Jump」的定位似乎也没有太大差异,1989年「S系列 登场后专属名称被取消了,因此与 Walkman/CassetteBoy相比,松下的随身听稍显下风。但超薄、省电和漂亮的外观一直以来是松下的优势,直到磁带发展末期,松下依然是坚持到最后保持完善产品阵容的品牌。

History of Panasonic Walkman

As one of the top three tape Walkmans, Panasonic has always been the most powerful competitor of Sony and Aiwa. Panasonic ’s strategy for unique names for the Walkman is unique. The names of “One More”, “Way”, “GO” and “Jump” are relatively complicated, and the positioning from “Way” to “Jump” does not seem to be much. The difference, in 1989, “The exclusive name was cancelled after the debut of the S series, so compared with the Walkman / CassetteBoy, the Panasonic Walkman is slightly weaker. But the ultra-thin, power-saving and beautiful appearance have always been Panasonic ’s advantages until the tape At the end of its development, Panasonic is still a brand that insists on maintaining a complete product lineup until the end.

1982 National RX-1960配备扬声器的「迷你收录机」 松下随身听

附带小型扬声器(2个)的随身听。具有收录机类似的操作和功  ,。  能,支持金属磁带的播放与录制。内置了立体声麦克风,携带主机就可以进行现场实时录音。

新品发行价:3万9800日元/机身尺寸:  87×147×35毫米/重量:426克/电  源:5号电池×4节/续航时间:8小时 (使用碱性电池)

National RX-1960

金属带 FM/AM 录音  播放

1982 National RX-1960 “mini recorder” with speakers Panasonic Walkman

Walkman with small speakers (2). It has the similar operation and function of radio recorder. Yes, it supports metal tape playback and recording. Built-in stereo microphone, you can carry on live real-time recording with the host.

New product release price: 39,800 yen / body size: 87 × 147 × 35 mm / weight: 426 g / power supply: No. 5 battery × 4 batteries / battery life: 8 hours (using alkaline batteries)

1982 National RQ-SJ1 具有科技感的机身设计 松下随身听


「 World Way」系列机型是当时世界最小最轻的随身听,银色和蓝色搭配的前面板独特按键设计,在当时非常具有前卫的科技感,可以进行快进和倒退的操作。

新品发行价:2万9800日元/机身尺寸:75×08×28毫米/重量:262克/电源:5号电池  ×2节/续航时间:13小时(使用碱性电池)

金属带 遥控器  播放

1982 National RQ-SJ1 with a sense of technology body design Panasonic Walkman

“World Way” series models were the smallest and lightest walkmans in the world at that time. The silver and blue matching front panel unique button design was very avant-garde technology at the time, allowing fast forward and reverse operations.

New product release price: 29,800 yen / body size: 75 × 08 × 28 mm / weight: 262 grams / power supply: No. 5 battery × 2 batteries / battery life: 13 hours (using alkaline batteries)

1982 National RQ-J20X Panasonic 首次搭载db降噪系统的 松下随身听




1982 National RQ-J20X Panasonic first Panasonic Walkman with db noise reduction system

The world’s first Walkman equipped with a noise reduction system. The single-player type using two No. 5 batteries is basically the same as the RQ-J9, and the Way logo has been redesigned.

New product release price: 38,000 yen / body size: 88 × 138 × 27.1 mm / weight: 340 g / power supply No. 5 battery × 2 batteries / battery life about 8 hours (using alkaline batteries)

1982 National RQ-J9第一代Way支持金属带播放 松下随身听



National RQ-J9

1982 National RQ-J9 first generation Way supports metal band playback Panasonic Walkman

Although it is Way’s unidirectional playback model, the price is quite affordable. It uses three different colors of the color body, which was an advanced design at the time.

New product release price: 24,900 yen / body size: 88 × 138 × 27.1 mm / weight about 370 grams / power supply No. 5 battery × 2 battery life; about 8 hours (using alkaline batteries)

1982 National RQ-J6内置立体声麦克风的录音机型 松下随身听

内置了立体声麦克风的第二代「 One More」录音机型,可方便进行实时录音。和第一代 OneMore一样配备了Line输出,可以作为音源独立输出给其它设备。


National RQ-J6

1982 National RQ-J6 recording model with built-in stereo microphone Panasonic Walkman

The second-generation “One More” recording model with a built-in stereo microphone can facilitate real-time recording. Like the first generation OneMore, it is equipped with Line output, which can be independently output to other devices as a sound source.

New product release price: 35,000 yen / body size: 98.5 × 158 × 38 mm / weight: 600 grams / power supply No. 5 battery × 4 batteries / battery life: 6 hours (using alkaline batteries)

爱华小天窗简约随身听 aiwa PX370


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爱华 aiwa px370是爱华后期机型,设计挺有意思。

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