Astell&Kern SP3000T Review: A Flagship Reimagined with Vintage Soul

Prologue: When “Parallel Flagship” Meets Analog Warmth

Let’s address the elephant in the room: Astell&Kern’s SP3000T is not your typical “sequel.” Unlike the SP2000T, which felt like a tentative step into hybrid audio territory, the SP3000T arrives with the swagger of a polished prodigy. Think of it as the SP3000’s rebellious twin—sharing its DNA but flaunting a retro soul. Priced at ¥22,800 (~$3,150), it’s not for the faint of wallet, but for those craving both cutting-edge tech and vintage mojo, this player is a siren song.

Design & Craftsmanship: Luxury, Redefined

Unboxing the Artifact
First impressions matter, and the SP3000T knows it. While the SP3000 settled for a minimalist paper box, its “parallel” sibling flexes with a solid wood inner case—a tactile nod to vintage hi-fi grandeur. The included leather case? Think Hermès meets audiophilia: intricate stitching, supple texture, and a design that whispers, “I’m worth the splurge.”

Aesthetic Alchemy
The SP3000T’s chassis is a masterclass in metallurgy. Stainless steel brushed to a watchmaker’s finish, topped with 99.9% pure silver plating. The back panel? A half-transparent window glowing with the warm orange hue of its dual RAYTHEON JAN6418 vacuum tubes—like embers in a high-tech hearth. AK’s signature diamond-cut volume wheel steals the show, refracting light like a prism. Sure, it’s a fingerprint magnet (classic AK), but who cares when it looks this good?

Ergonomics with a Twist
AK’s designers tossed tradition out the studio window. The standalone power button (finally!) and a genius fourth physical key—dedicated to toggling between OP, HYBRID, and TUBE modes—make navigation feel intuitive. No menu-diving here. Just pure, tactile bliss.

Sound & Soul: Where Tech Meets Nostalgia

The Hardware Trinity
Under the hood: twin AK4191EQ + AK4499EX DACs, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8-core CPU (streaming? Butter-smooth), and those iconic JAN6418 tubes. But let’s cut to the chase—how does it sound?

OP Mode: The Sleek Modernist
Even without the tubes, the SP3000T’s OP (transistor) mode is a revelation. Crisp dynamics, surgical separation, and a soundstage wider than a concert hall. Perfect for those 10-hour Spotify binges or when you just want to geek out over FLAC details.

HYBRID Mode: The Goldilocks Zone
Here’s where the magic brews. HYBRID blends OP’s precision with the tubes’ syrupy warmth across five adjustable levels. Crank it to Level 5, and vocals gain a honeyed richness; guitars smolder rather than shred. Bonus: The tube window glows brighter with each level—a subtle, very AK touch.

TUBE Mode: Analog’s Last Stand
Pure tube mode isn’t about audiophile bragging rights. It’s for dusty vinyl rips, jazz ballads, or anytime you want music to feel like a hug. The trade-off? Slightly softer edges and a narrower soundstage. But who needs clinical accuracy when you’ve got soul?

Tube Current: The Secret Sauce
Hidden beneath the surface: High/Mid/Low tube current settings. This isn’t mere gain tweaking—it’s tonal alchemy. High current pumps up midrange density (ideal for rock), while Low tightens the bass (EDM lovers, rejoice). Pair this with HYBRID’s five levels, and you’ve got a playground for sonic tinkerers.

The Fun Factor: Why This Player Matters

The SP3000T isn’t just a “flagship alternative.” It’s a mood ring for your music. Want analytical rigor? Stick with OP. Crave analog warmth? TUBE’s your jam. Or dance between both with HYBRID’s granular tweaks—no EQ PhD required.

And let’s not forget the retro-chic VU meters, which transform the screen into a 1970s studio relic. Pair that with the tubes’ amber glow, and you’ve got a player that’s as much a conversation piece as a musical tool.

Verdict: A Love Letter to the Analog Age

Is the SP3000T “better” than the SP3000? Not exactly. It’s different. Think of it as a luxury sports car with a manual transmission—less about raw speed, more about the joy of the drive. For those who value emotion over specs, this player is a triumph.

Final note to AK: If this is what “parallel flagship” means, let’s hope the SP4000T goes full Blade Runner retro-futurism. Until then, the SP3000T remains a rare beast: a tech marvel that wears its heart on its sleeve.

Rock on, tube warriors. 🎵

(Word count: 650 | Tone: Conversational yet authoritative, blending Greil Marcus’ cultural depth with Robert Christgau’s punchy brevity.)

带蓝牙 5.0 的 32GB MP3 播放器,带剪辑的 Timoom 便携式无损声音音乐播放器,运动计步器,FM 收音机,录音机,可扩展至 128GB,绿色

  • [32GB 大内存和高达 128GB 扩展] 32GB 大内存,存储更多无损音乐。如果还是怕内存不够,也可以使用最大 128GB 的​​ SD 卡进行扩展。超大内存让您可以存储数千首歌曲、视频、图片、电子书等,您可以通过电脑或TF卡创建自己的文件夹。
  • 【蓝牙5.0技术】蓝牙5.0意味着更快的传输速度,抗阻塞性能稳定,能力强,可以通过蓝牙音箱或蓝牙耳机播放音乐,远离线缆。
  • 【无损Hi-Fi音质】这款MP3播放器采用专业智能数字降噪芯片,保证高品质清晰音质体验,支持MP3/WMA/APE/FLAC/WAV/DRM/ACELP等流行音乐格式的播放.
  • 【长时间播放&多功能】充电约2.5小时后,即可获得长达40小时的播放时间,蓝牙模式下约12小时。支持录音、调频广播、图片浏览和电子书阅读(txt格式)。非常适合带耳机运动。
  • [超轻且可穿戴的夹子设计] 运动和音乐爱好者的特殊夹子设计,只需将其挂在口袋或衬衫上,在跑步、慢跑、骑马、远足或做其他锻炼时享受音乐,没有任何麻烦。

Timoom 音乐播放器很小,真的很小。 除了厚度之外,它甚至比已经超紧凑的 iPod Nano 7th Gen 还要小。 全塑料结构的制造质量还可以,但它确实具有良好的柔软触感。 然而,由于它的外形尺寸小,显示器也很小,由分辨率低且视角差的 LCD 组成。 如果从死点以外的任何角度查看显示器,您会得到不好的颜色偏移。

Astell&Kern KANN Cube 便携式高分辨率音乐播放器,狼灰色

Astell&Kern KANN Cube 便携式高分辨率音乐播放器,狼灰色

Astell&Kern 的 KANN 为移动音乐性能提供了新的功率标准。 结合高品质 音频播放器和高性能放大器,KANN 借鉴了 Astell&Kern 的技术专长, 领先的便携式高保真音响制造商。

专注于强大的输出和清晰的声音,一体式 KANN 提供以下功能。


Astell&Kern 推出了一种新产品设计,巧妙地结合了高性能 功放变成播放器,实现两个独立设备的完美融合。

通过高增益平衡输出连接时支持7Vrms的输出,KANN不仅可以驱动 高阻抗耳机,无需额外的放大器,但也能可靠地再现高品质 用低阻抗扬声器发出声音。

KANN 与 AK300+AMP 与 AK300 的输出比较

KANN的设计与众不同 Astell&Kern 的其他产品线。
在组装过程中,零件被滑入 铝挤压机身,独特的无接头 设计提供耐用而时尚的外观。
闪闪发光的太空“Astro Silver”和“Eos Blue” 代表黎明女神体现强者 KANN 的软特性。
创新的音量轮使单手控制 简单。 通过将主控制按钮定位到 前面板底部,方便音乐搜索 快捷的主屏幕操作直观。

One player to rule them all, KANN

AK KANN 尺寸为 2.80 英寸(71.23 毫米)[W] x 4.56 英寸(115.8 毫米)[H] x 1.01 英寸(25.6 毫米)[D]。 最后,你——现在——只是不能拥有一切,AK 显然选择了电源和电池寿命而不是便携性。 这确实使 KANN 比便携式更便于携带,从逻辑上讲,它是一种更易于在家使用的 DAP。 其他一直在将 AK DAP 与滑入式放大器一起使用的人已经习惯于随身携带砖块或将其用作桌面设置,因此同时也没有什么新东西。



4 英寸 WVGA (480 x 800) 触摸屏 支持的音频格式


PCM: 8kHz ~ 384kHz (8/16/24/32bits per Sample) / DSD Native: DSD64(1bit 2.8MHz), Stereo
/ DSD128(1bit 5.6MHz), 立体声 / DSD256(1bit 11.2MHz), 立体声 输出电平

[电话输出] 正常:不平衡 2Vrms / 平衡 2Vrms(无负载条件)
高:不平衡 4Vrms/平衡 7Vrms(无负载条件)
[线路输出] 不平衡 2Vrms / 平衡 2Vrms(无负载条件) 大西安

AKM AK4490 x1(单 DAC) 解码

最高支持 32bit / 384kHz 位对位解码 输入

USB Type-C输入(用于充电和数据传输(PC和MAC))/连接模式:MTP(媒体设备) 输出

[电话输出、线路输出] PHONES (3.5mm) / 平衡输出(2.5mm,仅支持 4 极)
[USB 音频] micro USB 连接 / PCM:高达 32 位 384kHz / DSD 2.8MHz、5.6MHz 无线上网

802.11 b/g/n (2.4GHz)

Astell & Kern 和 Iriver limited 的前首席执行官 James Lee创立的新品牌Kontinum K100

音乐可以被描述为一个连续体,一个元素的连贯进展,其变化的细微而详细的程度。 Kontinum 的使命是为您提供这个连续统一体,而不会错过您最喜欢的艺术家设计的最小细节。

Kontinum 的故事始于 Astell & Kern 和 Iriver limited 的前首席执行官 James Lee。 James Lee 带领 Hi-Fi 音频行业前进了 8 年,开创了便携式 Hi-Fi 音频的功能,并意识到需要进一步推动 Hi-Fi 音频的当前界限。 Kontinum Limited 是打破这些界限的结果,为您带来前所未有的聆听体验。

仿佛置身于录音室一样聆听:Kontinum 播放器使用定制的主音频电路和软件,提供一流的 Hi-Fi 音频聆听体验。

持续聆听:Kontinum 播放器配备了可更换的特斯拉类型的市售电池,让您可以在数小时内以最佳性能聆听,并为我们的播放器提供独特的体质。

Kontinum 认为 Hi-Fi 音频的能力必须受到挑战。对声音完美的追求将继续,带来更多您会喜欢的创新和产品。

LCD5 Inch TFT Touch Screen (720 x 1280)
DACAKM AK4497EQ x 2 (Dual DAC)
Output LevelUnbalanced 4.0 Vrms / Balanced 8.0 Vrms (Condition No Load)
MemoryBuilt-in 128GB (External micro SD up to 1TB)
Signal to Noise Ratio118dB @ 1KHz, Unbalanced / 120dB @ 1KHz, Balanced
Cross Talk140dB @ 1KHz,Unbalanced / 140dB @ 1KHz, Balanced
THD+N0.002% @ 1KHz
MQAK100 includes MQA technology, which enables you to play back MQA audio files and streams, delivering the sound of the original master recording.
Product Name K100
Model KA-100
Display 5 Inch TFT Touch Screen (720 x 1280)
CPU & Memory ARM Cortex-A9 1.4GHz,  Quad-Core  Memory(RAM) : DDR3 1GB
Button Power, Play/Pause, FF, REW,  Volume(wheel)
Supported Audio Formats MQA, WAV, FLAC, AAC, ALAC, AIFF, WMA, MP3, OGG
 APE(Normal, High, Fast), Native DSD(DFF,DSF)
EQ & Effect 10Band, NORMAL/USER1/2/3/4/5
Charge & Data Transfer USB Type-C input (for charging & data transfer (PC & MAC))
 Connection Mode : MTP (Media Device)
Outputs Phone (3.5mm) / Optical Out (3.5mm) 
 Balanced Out(2.5mm, 4-pole support)
Battery  4,900mAh/3.6V Li-Ion ( Size: 21700, protect: no ) 
Battery Life(Play) Time & Play: Approximately 8 hours(44.1KHz 16bit, Vol.75, 32ohm, LCD off)
 Charge Time Charge: 4 hours
Memory Built-in 128GB
 External MicroSD (Upto 1TB) ,  Supports SDXC 
Clock Jitter 50ps (Typ)
OS Customized Android
Supported OS Windows 7,8,10 (32/64bit) / MAC OS x 10.9 or higher
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n ( 2.4 GHz )
Bluetooth V 4.0 ( A2DP, AVRCP )
Dimensions 82,5mm(W) * 133.5mm(H) * 16.8(34.5)mm(D)
Weight 295g
    Audio Performance
DAC AKM AK4497EQ x 2 (Dual DAC)
Decoding Support up to 32bit / 384KHz Bit to Bit Decoding
Frequency Response ±0.1dB(Condition: 20Hz~20KHz) Unbalanced
 ±0.06dB(Condition: 20Hz~20KHz) Balanced
 ±0.9dB(Condition: 10Hz~70KHz) Unbalanced
 ±0.7dB(Condition: 10Hz~70KHz) Balanced 
Signal to Noise Ratio 118dB @ 1KHz, Unbalanced 
 120dB @ 1KHz, Balanced
Crosstalk 140dB @ 1KHz,Unbalanced  /  140dB @ 1KHz, Balanced
THD+N 0.002% @ 1KHz
Output Impedance Balanced out 2.5mm(1ohm)  /  Phone 3.5mm(2ohm)
Output Level Unbalanced 4.0 Vrms / Balanced 8.0 Vrms    (Condition No Load)
Volume Step 150 steps