1977年富士以新的系列名更新了产品线。 Range系列名称来自 Dynamic Range(动态范围)。后缀的数字代表性能的指标MOL(最大输出电平)的数值,比如 Range–2的MOL为
1980DR是「 DYNAMIC RANGE」的缩写,使用和 Range–2相同的磁性体,全系采用新设计的细纹理带壳,内部的滑片采用防静电设计提高了运行稳定性。

In 1977, Fuji updated the product line with a new series name. The name of the Range series comes from Dynamic Range. The suffix number represents the performance index MOL (maximum output level) value, for example, Range–2 MOL is+2dB.
The packaging was designed by Japanese graphic design master Sugiura Kangping, with a black background and a combination of lightning and digital patterns. Lightning symbolizes the maximum dynamic range from a distant faint sound to an instant thunder. In 1980, Fuji adopted a new naming method for the entire series, replacing the previous Range series name.
1980DR is the abbreviation of “DYNAMIC RANGE”. It uses the same magnetic body as Range–2. The whole system adopts a newly designed fine-textured shell. The internal slide adopts anti-static design to improve the running stability.