富士第一批磁带包装上印的还是fujifilm,而且是绿色胶卷样式的包装。是不是很搞笑。后来除了range系列,再后来在1980年出了dr系列。DR是入门级一类带Range-2的继承者,ER是高音质一类带 Range-4的继承者,UR是二类带Range-4X的继承者,SR是金属带Super Range的继承者。DR-1是dr的后续产品。

Fujifilm’s first tape packaging was printed on Fujifilm, and it was packaged in green film style. Is it funny? Later, in addition to the range series, the dr series was released in 1980. DR is the entry-level first class successor with Range-2, ER is the high-quality first class successor with Range-4, UR is the second class successor with Range-4X, and SR is the successor with metal band Super Range. DR-1 is the follow-up product of dr.