首次搭载了可自动翻转录音功能的 Walkman。配有单点式立体声麦克风,可实现长时间自动翻转录音。内置磁带计数器和3.6厘米的扬声器,并支持收音卡组件。
金属带 录音 播放自动翻转录音 DOLBY B
SONY wm-r55 is equipped with a recording rollover function and a speaker Walkman
For the first time, the Walkman was equipped with the ability to automatically flip the recording function. Equipped with a single point stereo microphone, can realize a long time automatic flip recording. Built-in tape counter and 3.6 cm speakers, and support for radio card components.
New product launch price: ¥32,000 / body size: 111.8×88.8×33.2 mm/weight: 280g/power supply: no. 5 battery ×2 / battery life: 12 hours (using alkaline battery)